Alumni Club MSc Program "Management of Protected Areas"
A world wide network of protected area experts that gives us access to unknown, outstanding wilderness area.
Ecotourism Association Tara Dornelor
Our local partner for the Experience Wilderness Eastern Carpathians Tour .
The forest wilderness in Austria! Our partner for the Experience Wildneress Kalkalpen Tour.
Nature and wilderness school in the Alps
An outstanding wilderness school that offers wilderness trainings in Austria.
Basic trainings are also done by Wild Sprouts nearby Vienna.
planet TRAVEL
The travel association for extraordinary green tours, offering among others our Experience Wilderness Tours.
Rupert Kogler
Friend and excellent nature photographer. It's a pleasure to go together on photo trips and discuss about nature photography. You can find his amazing pictures at www.rupertkogler.com .
Tierre Incognita
A small travel agency in Vienna which is offering very special tours, among others our Experience Wilderness Tours.
Our partner for corporate and web design.
Wigwam tours
This travel agency, specialized on extraordinary nature tours and expeditions worldwide, is one of our main cooperation partners.
Bernd Pfleger is also regularly leading nature tours for Wigwam in southern Africa and Cambodia. On request, he would be pleased to guide a Wigwam Private Tour for you.
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the biggest nature conservation NGOs in the world. We cooperate closely to save the last wilderness areas in our world. Furthermore we develop and guide exclusive tours for WWF and its members.